Thursday, July 28, 2011

thank you my dear friend

This post is dedicated to a very special person. A person that I have never mentioned before because I didn't know how to put my thankfulness in words. Somebody that cared about my health since the day I found my lump. A person that made funds available and did research to find a place who would accept me without insurance. A person that possibly saved my life. Pedro, thank you for being a great friend. You had so many chances to walk away from me but you decided not to. I call it destiny.
I'm so glad that I have you.
Pedro will put together a fund raiser to help me financially and he also offered to pay my rent. You are an angel and a great friend. I wish everybody in this world had their own Pedro.
He said in return he wants me to be active in programs that help breast cancer patients. I would be more than happy to do that.
Good friends are rare so make sure you keep them close!
Pedro, I know where your house lives! Now he would say: "damn germans"
Thank you!


  1. Your Pedro is one of the most kindhearted and genserous person I know, and you are so lucky he is in your corner. I have seen him in action before and when he gets his mind set, there is no stopping him and he gets the job done. Just keep your spirits up and know this will not beat you.

  2. You are luck girl to have friend like Pedro! Keep me posted on fund raiser...would like to help any way I can. Stay Strong and Positive!!!
