Sunday, July 24, 2011

Please read this and be aware!

First of please excuse my grammar, I'm just brain storming right now and don't care much about it right now. Second, I am not trying to get any pity, attention or anybodies negative comments about this note. I've seen people having over 2000 FB friends. I only have 100 and half of it are night clubs or restaurants. I only have people on here that I'm friends with. I want to raise awareness and this is not a joke, so please read carefully! About 2 months ago I found a lump in my breast. I didn't think anything of it and thought it might have something to do with my menstrual cycle and I would go away eventually. My best friend kept stressing about it and kept telling me to go to the doctor. I don't have health insurance and didn't want to waste any money for them to tell me it's just breast tissue or a cyst that would go away on it's own. But it kept growing and about 2 or 3 weeks after I found it, it started to hurt and got really hard. I asked for people's opinion and everybody told me it has to be a cyst or fibrocystic breast disease. EVERYBODY including doctors told me NOT to worry to much about it because I'm too young to have breast cancer. I didn't believe it either. I still wanted to see a doctor just to make sure whatever is in there doesn't get to big because I was scared I had to get surgery. I never had any kind of surgery before. I have never been to a hospital other when my daughter was born. I went to an imaging place where they did an ultrasound of my breast. They couldn't see to much and could only tell me that there were 3 lumps connected to 1. The doctor told me to get a biopsy but told me not to worry to much it could still be just breast tissue, calcium buildup or just an infection. So I went further and had a biopsy done at the St. Vincent's breast center. They also did a mammogram. I got the results back yesterday. I'm 26 and I have breast cancer.

I'm asking everybody to forward this to as many people as you can. Male, female, old and young people. I want everybody to know that it is not impossible to have breast cancer at my age. And I just turned 26 a couple of months ago. Another reason why I'm trying to raise awareness; I work at a bar and when I told the girls that work with me about my lump 4 or 5 girls told me they have a lump too. Some of them had it for years, they have different shapes, different sizes and all of those girls can't go to the doctor because they don't have insurance. How sad is that? Girls if you think there is something that just doesn't feel right, just try to find help. And please tell all your friends and family about it. About 39,840 women in the U.S. were expected to die in 2010 from breast cancer!For women in the U.S., breast cancer death rates are higher than those for any other cancer, besides lung cancer. As sooner as you get help as better are your survival chances! And I don't want to scare anybody, there are many different things that can be found in a women's breast that's not dangerous but breast cancer at a young age is possible!!! Thank you for reading!


  1. God this is awful. I've been reading these posts for half an hour and it's just making me sob... :(

  2. the last post was from Julay last year,
    any 1 knows what's going on with her ?

  3. Shes in a better place now, rip
