Thursday, July 28, 2011
thank you my dear friend
I'm so glad that I have you.
Pedro will put together a fund raiser to help me financially and he also offered to pay my rent. You are an angel and a great friend. I wish everybody in this world had their own Pedro.
He said in return he wants me to be active in programs that help breast cancer patients. I would be more than happy to do that.
Good friends are rare so make sure you keep them close!
Pedro, I know where your house lives! Now he would say: "damn germans"
Thank you!
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
after my pet scan
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
I knew this was not going to be easy
not a good day
Monday, July 25, 2011
Monday night
be patient!
I'm having some difficulties with this blog but I'm working on it and I will be updating soon.
my new friend Portacath!

Sunday, July 24, 2011
Welcome to my blog!
Don't even know where to start
So as some of you know already my appointment with the doctor did not go well yesterday. He told me the tumor is 8.7 cm now, it did spread into my Lymph nodes and I have to start chemotherapy asap. That will shrink the tumor so the removal will be more successful. I'm getting a port installed in my chest tomorrow. It's surgically put under the skin where a catheter connects the port to a vein. Then I'm ready for chemotherapy. I could write more specifics about the kind of chemo I'm getting but it's not very interesting. Of course there are many many side effects. Hair loss (they told me within 2 weeks) nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, of course loss of weight, fatigue, fever...and many many more! It's just scary. I feel like I'm going to turn into a monster!! I feel ok right now, I'm just very tired and I have all kinds of body aches. My ribs hurt the most.
I can feel how sad the people around me are getting because they realize how serious it is. But I really trust my doctor team and the nurses that are taking care of me. They explain everything very well and are very caring. Baptist is a great hospital and I'm so thankful that they are the ones taking care of me.
I will have a cat scan soon to find out if there is more cancer somewhere else in my body.
I feel so bad for Chloe. I really don't have much time to take her to the park and soon we won't be able to go swimming either. Now would be the perfect time to start daycare of pre school. She has no interaction with other children at all and she is bored out of her mind. Poor thing doesn't even know what's going on.
dirty old cancer!
I didn't want to write a note tonight because I was tired, exhausted and angry. But then I got all those nice messages and phone calls and thought I have to take the time and make an update.
Today was a long day. I did a MRI first. They put dye in my bloodstream to make the cancer cells visible in my body. I could taste and smell the dye. It tasted like plastic. I read about it but didn't think they would ever use that technique on me. Oh well I thought I could't get cancer either...After that I had a mammogram. When they reviewed the images they saw something in my other breast :-( So I had to get two biopsies. One from my lymph node under my left arm and one from the lump in my right breast. Nightmare...that's all I can say! Then another mammogram.
The doctor ordered a CT scan and another test I think. They want to get as much information as possible.
I will start pre chemotherapie. I think that's how they called it. Then the surgery. Chemotherapy and Radiation after. Ugh they told me when I do chemo, let's say on monday. I will be crappy until wednesday. That might go for weeks.
I'm worried about Chloe. I wish she was older and was in pre school or kindergarten already.
I am so so so thankful that I had my friend Sinem with me today. I could not do all this without her.
I apologize to the people I didn't call back today. I'm so exhausted and I'm about to drag myself to bed. I will call back tomorrow, I promise.
The hospital will call me with my results in 2 days. I will meet my oncologist then and discuss my chemotherapy. After that my surgery will be scheduled.
Please stick around, I need your motivation...
One day before my MRI and biopsy
I'm an emotional wreck right now. I went to church this morning because I thought the only one that can influence this now is god. So I put it all in his hands. I'm trying not to be mad at him and I'm trying to trust him that this all happens for a reason. After I'm done with this I will def appreciate life more and not take it for granted. And neither should you or anyone else. I read somewhere, a proud heart needs to be broken. Maybe that's the mistake we make. We take everything for granted, our life's, our environment, nature, animals and even water. Maybe I'm taking it to far now so I will stop. Have just been thinking about a lot of things lately. I don't want to think about death but I'm not going to be ignorant towards it either. 1 in 4 people die of cancer in America. Those are national statistics. And if you get associated with death in any kind of way then you see the world in a different way.
I'm having a MRI and a lymph node biopsy tomorrow, but I mentioned it already in my last note. I'm very scared. Scared of that big needle in my armpit, scared of the noise it makes, scared of the pain and the bruising. Anybody can tell me a biopsy is painless, I'd rather get another wisdom tooth pulled. It's more the feeling of a needle stabbing you through your body. Might as well stab me with a knife.
The last time I had a biopsy I didn't know I had cancer. Now I'm praying the cancer has not spread.
I don't feel good physically either. I get tired easily and everything turns black for a second every time I've been sitting down for a while and get up.
I really don't want to complain to much. I'm just writing all the details because maybe one day this can be useful information for somebody that has to go through the same thing. Maybe Chloe wants to know what I have been going through when she didn't even know what was going on. Maybe she will forgive me that I couldn't give her as much attention as I would like to.
I was watching videos of cancer patients on Youtube because I wanted to know what it feels like to go through chemotherapy. I can't even find the words to describe what I saw. One girls said, I was sitting in front of the mirror for hours because I couldn't recognize my own face. Another person covered all the mirrors. And I was shocked to see how many young girls had breast cancer. One girl was 15.
All I'm doing right now is distracting myself. Doing things so I don't have to be home alone and think about it. The nights are the worst because I lay there with my thoughts and there is no escape.
I pray to god more than ever before. I can feel him close by like never before. I do trust him. If I get to survive this I want to help others to get through their battle of cancer. If he decides to take me then I think he wants me to be there with him. Whatever he decides to do I trust him.
Imagine me
Imagine me
Loving what I see when the mirror looks at me cause I
I imagine me
In a place of no insecurities
And I'm finally happy cause
I imagine me
Letting go of all of the ones who hurt me
Cause they never did deserve me
Can you imagine me?
Saying no to thoughts that try to control me
Remembering all you told me
Lord, can you imagine me?
Over what my mama said
And healed from what my daddy did
And I wanna live and not read that page again
Imagine me, being free, trusting you totally finally I can...
Imagine me
I admit it was hard to see
You being in love with someone like me
But finally I can...
Imagine me
Being strong
And not letting people break me down
You won't get that joy this time around
Can you imagine me?
In a world (in a world) where nobody has to live afraid
Because of your love fears gone away
Can you imagine me?
Letting go of my past
And glad I have another chance
And my heart will dance
'Cause I don't have to read that page again
Kirk Franklin
still waiting...
I'm still waiting for a pathology surgeon to call me...I called the "we care program" a couple of times and left a message but they have not called me back yet :-( I was hoping I would know by today what clinic would take care of me!
But I have good news too. The Donna Hickens foundation called me and gave me great information. They will send a volunteer, a breast cancer survivor, for mental support and to guide me through my treatment. They go with me to Dr. appointments and help me understand what's going to happen. That's just what I need.
Other than that I'm ok. I would say it's an up and down. One day I feel very overwhelmed and tired the other day I feel great and think the Dr made a wrong diagnosis. My phone is ringing 50 times per day. People keep telling me to stay on top of things now because soon I won't be able to. I'm trying my best but it's to much information sometimes. Sometimes I talk to somebody on the phone for 2 min and don't even know who it is on the other line. So many new names, new medical terms and words, so many things I have to take care of.
But I can't complain. Everybody has been great to me. The owner of the beauty pageant we went to yesterday talked to me yesterday and told me she would like to organize a pageant in my name to get donations. That lady has never met me in her life before. Americans are great people, it's the government that makes them look bad.
I'm very tired now. I took Chloe to the pool today because I want her to spend as much time with me as possible. I don't want her to suffer from all this, her little spirit needs to stay happy and healthy and that's all I care about!
The lady from the Hickens foundation told me today I should expect 6 months for the entire process. We can do that. I'm just scared of chemotherapy. I know it's painful, the word sounds painful already!
Hopefully I'll get the phone call tomorrow that I'm waiting for!
Come with me on this rocky road and help me fight!
Because I received so many comments, text and messages from all of you I decided to write a Note every once in a while to keep everybody updated.
So after 250 phone calls we finally found somebody that wants to help me. I don't have insurance and I don't qualify for medicaid because I'm not an US citizen.
I got accepted for the "we care" program at the Department of Health. They are sending my records to the North Florida Surgeons and one of them will take care of me. Hopefully I will hear back from them soon.
I'm really worried. I have not talked to anyone yet that explained the type of cancer I have. And I wish I knew my treatment plan already. I'm starting to feel very exhausted every day and the lump is very tender. My ribs hurt and my shoulder and even my back. I feel dizzy every time I get up to quick. I feel my health fading away but it might just be stress that makes me feel that way.
The worst thing is the tumor itself...I can feel it. Have you ever had a open wound or a bad cut? Do you know that burning pain? That's how it feels! It's scary, especially because it's so close to my heart. It feels like I got stabbed with a knife. And I feel like my body is giving me warning signals. Like it's telling me that there is something wrong. I can't explain that feeling. I can feel it head to toe.
I was always under the impression you can't feel cancer, but that is so wrong. I can feel it and even see it. This is the first time I'm glad I have small breasts. If I was a D size I could probably not see it.
It is painful to lift up my arm or to sleep on my left side. I just want it removed from my body. It feels evil and bad. And maybe it's just in my head but that's how it feels to me.
I don't know what to expect at all. I don't know if I will get really sick. I don't know if I will have to do chemotherapy. I don't know if I will lose my breast or my hair. All I know is I'm not ready to go. I want to see my daughter grow up. I want to see how tall she will get and if her hair is going to stay curly. I want to know if her gap is staying as big as it is now. I want to take her to germany to see my mom who never saw her before. I want to be a teacher again. I want to buy an Acura TL. I want to visit my friend Alyssa in Cali...I want to do the Gate River Run next year...
So now I'm just waiting...and praying. And wondering where it came from. I talked to my mom and my dad and both said there is no cancer history in our family. Breast cancer in my age is so rare. Why did I get it if there is not even a history of cancer in my family? At first I was angry...angry with god. But now I think it has a purpose. Maybe I'm suppose to be a messenger to all the young girls who do get breast cancer but are miss informed. I want to raise awareness and save life's. I want to be a cancer survivor and help girls go through this rocky road...but let me get better first.
God has a plan for all of us. I'm not angry with him anymore. My mother in law told me "maybe you got in shape a couple of months ago because god wanted you to be healthy and prepared for this" I will never forget that.
Thank you so much for reading. I will keep writing and maybe one day this will save somebodies life.
Tell everybody about it! You can get breast cancer in your 20's!!!
Please read this and be aware!
First of please excuse my grammar, I'm just brain storming right now and don't care much about it right now. Second, I am not trying to get any pity, attention or anybodies negative comments about this note. I've seen people having over 2000 FB friends. I only have 100 and half of it are night clubs or restaurants. I only have people on here that I'm friends with. I want to raise awareness and this is not a joke, so please read carefully! About 2 months ago I found a lump in my breast. I didn't think anything of it and thought it might have something to do with my menstrual cycle and I would go away eventually. My best friend kept stressing about it and kept telling me to go to the doctor. I don't have health insurance and didn't want to waste any money for them to tell me it's just breast tissue or a cyst that would go away on it's own. But it kept growing and about 2 or 3 weeks after I found it, it started to hurt and got really hard. I asked for people's opinion and everybody told me it has to be a cyst or fibrocystic breast disease. EVERYBODY including doctors told me NOT to worry to much about it because I'm too young to have breast cancer. I didn't believe it either. I still wanted to see a doctor just to make sure whatever is in there doesn't get to big because I was scared I had to get surgery. I never had any kind of surgery before. I have never been to a hospital other when my daughter was born. I went to an imaging place where they did an ultrasound of my breast. They couldn't see to much and could only tell me that there were 3 lumps connected to 1. The doctor told me to get a biopsy but told me not to worry to much it could still be just breast tissue, calcium buildup or just an infection. So I went further and had a biopsy done at the St. Vincent's breast center. They also did a mammogram. I got the results back yesterday. I'm 26 and I have breast cancer.
I'm asking everybody to forward this to as many people as you can. Male, female, old and young people. I want everybody to know that it is not impossible to have breast cancer at my age. And I just turned 26 a couple of months ago. Another reason why I'm trying to raise awareness; I work at a bar and when I told the girls that work with me about my lump 4 or 5 girls told me they have a lump too. Some of them had it for years, they have different shapes, different sizes and all of those girls can't go to the doctor because they don't have insurance. How sad is that? Girls if you think there is something that just doesn't feel right, just try to find help. And please tell all your friends and family about it. About 39,840 women in the U.S. were expected to die in 2010 from breast cancer!For women in the U.S., breast cancer death rates are higher than those for any other cancer, besides lung cancer. As sooner as you get help as better are your survival chances! And I don't want to scare anybody, there are many different things that can be found in a women's breast that's not dangerous but breast cancer at a young age is possible!!! Thank you for reading!