I finally got over the fact that they couldn't freeze my eggs. Life goes on, right?
It's just that I have the feeling that I will have more children. I always knew I will have 5. Don't ask me why. Just like when the nurse told me I was having a boy the first time I had an ultrasound when I was pregnant. I always knew it was a girl. And just like I always knew her name. I never looked up names or used a name I heard somewhere before or a name from a relative. Today if somebody asks me why I named my child Chloe Grace, I don't have an answer for that. I call it destiny.
I know it's my destiny to have a big family, on one way or another.
Now I'm still a little disappointed I did everything for nothing. Applying at the Lance Armstrong foundation for assistance, driving to the hospital almost every morning at 8, and doing those painful shots. The shots gave me really bad cramps that I still have, but I can at least say I tried.
I finally got a date. August 15th 9am
I think I won't ever forget that date in my life. It's the appointment for my chemotherapy.
Am I scared? No, I'm horrified.
But I'm also glad that we are finally starting with the treatment.
Chemo is not a bad thing, that's what I'm trying to tell myself.
My Bosom buddy explained it to me this way. She said imagine the game pac man in your body.
The Chemo is the pac man going through your entire body eating the little balls, which are the cancer cells. That's a good way to look at it.
The we care program offered me a counselor to help me get through all this and I will take advantage of it as soon as I start the chemo. Right now I'm just tired of all the appointments and just want to enjoy the time where I can be my old self and look like me. I've been going to the pool a lot lately because the doctor told me I won't be able to sit in the sun soon. The chemo makes your skin sensitive and I would get burned really bad. That's why I'm glad that I will be winter soon!
I went to a support group meeting this week and met a couple of great women that have fought breast cancer or that are almost done with their treatment. I started crying when I introduced myself because honestly I was jealous that everybody was further along than me.
But I learned a lot about how different every body reacts to the chemo. There was one lady that was sick almost every day during her chemo and other women that kept going to work, taking care of their kids and so on. And I learned a lot about reconstructive surgery. Did you know you can take belly fat and put it in your breasts? It's the most natural way to do, the skin even connects nerves again so you have a feeling just like a normal breast. And when you lose weight it gets smaller and gain weight it will get bigger too. That's so fascinating to me. They can even shave your skin somehow to form a new nipple.
But there are many other techniques and I'm not worried about it to much right now.
I'm enjoying the time with my daughter right now. She is the best thing in the world. We have a special connection. It's like she can feel that I'm not feeling well. Then she sits on the couch and watches a movie. At night she climbs in my bed and snuggles with me. She didn't do that before. Like she knows something is going on. Bless her heart!
She might go to daycare twice a week soon. I want her to have interaction with other children while I won't be able to take her to public places.
I just want the best for her, I know how much she loves her mommy.
It will come and go before you know it. Destiny is giving you all this for a reason. This time next year you may have a whole new outlook on the rest of your life. We all love you to the core, and will be there for you thick and thin. Lets take advantage of next week and then kick cancers butt. Speed bumps slow you down, but once your over them everything speeds back up. It'shard to hear what outcomes can be, and with that, we learn the power of will. You will be a wonderful mother to Chloes future siblings. I'm so happy you are making this blog. You may not realize how much it's already relieved from your shoulders. Sometimes expressing your thoughts is the healthiest option. I envy how strong you are. Absolutely amazing. Love and regards-Scott
ReplyDeleteYou may not know it, but your blog has had over 2000 followers, you have to be helping other people expressing your feelings. Your an inspiration to any woman that could have or could get breast cancer, your a kick butt kind of woman!!! I believe in you, you just got to keep believing in yourself.