I've been dealing with a lot of stress in my personal life but other than that I'm great.
I recovered so much faster from my last chemo and even though I got a little cold, the time went by so fast.
I had great support from friends and family and I was always distracted.
Some of you might read this now and say, but I don't have any good friends. If you are fighting the battle with cancer you better make some friends. Support groups are great and so is a local church, neighbors and most important your family. Even if you try, you can not do this alone trust me. And it feel so much better when you have somebody on your side.
I'm very happy that I don't have to take any pain medication anymore. And that I'm not in pain.
Because I can't do much right now I do things that are fun. I love photography and I'm working on my skills. I will also write a children's book.
I'm very excited about the breast cancer awareness month coming up. There will be so many great events and I know I will meat some great breast cancer survivors. I noticed that I have not met one person that currently has breast cancer. Especially nobody my age.
Some of my friends and family members are doing a breast cancer walk on the 15th. If anybody wants to join us, I will post the link. You have to sign up under team "miles for Dani" I will contact you then and give you more information.
My goal is it to run it and not to be in a wheelchair or sick at home. I want to show the world that I'm stronger than cancer and give everyone battling the disease hope!
I want to thank Michele and her team for the great support. She has been doing a wonderful job by selling calendars, note pads, ribbons, pens and so much more to get donations for me.
I will never forget what you are doing for me.
Thank you to crossroads for bringing me closer to god and give me faith.
Thanks to Melissa for doing EVERYTHING and for listening to my everyday drama and craziness. Without you I would have lost my mind a long time ago!
Thanks to Pedro for never giving up on me and helping me with your genius brain.
This list could go on for days.
Just know, I will never forget the love and support from my friends and family. One day will be my turn to return the help. I can't wait for that day!
Your AWSOME! I am glad your feeling better! Keep getting stronger and stay away from the negativity!